This blog is one of the ongoing attempts to bring focus to the H5 mission and this annual event. It is hoped that a daily update by participants will be the minimal result of this blog effort.
This blog is also a learning exercise as it is my virgin effort in the blog environment in general. This effort, literally, was a virtual screaming, new-born baby in desperate need of attention; an exciting challenge that was ill-planned. Imagine what "Planned Parenthood" would have tried to talk me into?
Monday, 14 June 2010: The above introduction was written somewhere in December, 2009, a few weeks after my first *finished* publishing effort was released. There still seemed to be changes in how this blog was supposed to be 'negotiated' and thus I had inserted my own daily menu of links that I thought was going to be a part of the finished product. As of today, I've finally removed all my menues of links as the "blog archive" in the right column seems to have settled down to a sense of predictability....and the blog utility itself will no longer screw with my menues as a result. The claim of abuse of blog technology probably still stands as I've never seen a blog take hundreds of photos, more than 500 of the over 1,000 actual shots taken for the 11 days, and created what I still claim is an un-coffee-tabled coffee table book. Yet, this un-restricted use has allowed me to present evidence of one of the foremost events on O`ahu that attempts to shine a light of understanding and perhaps appreciation to the dilemma of homelessness on this island...the rest of the state...and perhaps the country. |
Now, continue by going to the right column and under "blog archive," click on "November(11) link to open up the list of daily entries and work your way up from the bottom of that list starting with "SiaB, 10 Nov."
If the "Day10, 20Nov" entitled notes appear below, save them for last...
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