...pix and story to follow as this week and the post event moratorium allows...
...and...a big shenanigan hapnen' at Hau`ula Beach Park beginning about Noon today....6 to 7 acts including but not limited to...
The Royal Hawaiian Band at Noon I'm told...
Makana at 1pm...
.....almost pau:
The Royal Hawaiian Band at Noon I'm told...
Makana at 1pm...
Professor Ericson and his 'group' are one of the remaining 4 or 5 acts.
Most of this will be missed by the walkers...but I hope to be able to present some photographic evidence of this Hau`ula extravaganza.
.....almost pau:
...once again, I have almost a hundred more photos to chose from for today's post....and 10 videos...., but I will suffice tonight to merely get a shot or two up....the old "foot-in-the-door" routine, and prepare for tomorrow.
The lineup today was, indeed, The Royal Hawaiian Band first, followed by Makana with his incredible slack key styling.
Next was a guy named "Boogie" who's blues guitar and singing was fabulous.
The HPU anthropology professor with his "Poverty & Culture" class students in attendance today is apparently a closeted musician as well as he was next on stage with a Patrick Armitage as his drummer. Going by the monicker, "Topher," he spent most of the next hour playing his guitar in what he later described as ..."acoustic folk/rock with jazz and blues. You had to be there.
Finally, finishing up the afternoon's performances, a couple of youngsters, compared to me; Jeff and Shay, going by "TTYM" standing for "Talk To You Music," played a set of mostly personally written popular style rock music...but also played a little early Michael Jackson too.
I'll eventually be filtering audio/video taken of all of them but tonight only have the energy to shove a building wall art piece at you that really caught my eye...
In the first hour on the road today, we passed an art gallery, "Sunshine Arts Gallery," still in Kahalu`u that had it's south wall artistically presenting a coastal view familiar to all of us who live here.
On the right end of the painting is the familiar part, "Chinaman's Hat;" the knob of an island a few hundred yards off our east coast we saw earlier today, again, on the walk.
The artistic license this artist took with his/her rendering was......he/she feintly placed a chinaman's(?) head under the 'hat.'
Like Larry "The Cable Guy" would say, "That thar is funny!"....and well conceived.
Guhnit folkszzzzzzzzzzzzz.......................
(51.47 total miles walked after today's portion....still got gobs of pix to look at for today's post. )
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