This/these temporary 'bookmarks', as stated before on other days' posts, should eventually be replaced to show a substantial content of context and pix...but for the time being, this one will only show the "final assault" from A`ala Park to the capitol. However, it is and will be the most developed post of the walk till the 'bookmarks' get replaced.
..pix and story to follow as this week and the post event moratorium allows...
At the last moment yesterday, we found out that we WOULD be spending the night as guests of Aiea United Methodist Church and not have to deal with the logistics of finding a place to stay for the night....getting there and back in time for this morning's kick-off of the last day of walking.
What a relief!
As last year, today we still go through the final day of a week and a half of seeing old friends and making new friendships...and a new awareness of the culture of homelessness that has drawn us all together...and now prepare to say goodbye to these old and new friends as we return to the daily grind....and hope to see some positive results from our effort that include...
(...items to be detailed later...)
The final day's group from our Day 9 encampment @ Ai`ea United Methodist Church included Utu, Mac, Darlene, Matt, Tom, Pastor Luke, Desiree, Curtis, Lisa, Roz's Malani(sp?), the Pastor(name?) and his wife(name?) from the Peal City church(name?) that occasionally provides meals at "The Next Step" shelter, and (¿who else?).....
...were met at A`ala Park by a large group from the only major corporate WtT sponsor for this year's walk, "The Locations Foundations", "Prudential Locations LLC."
It looks like the Prudential group has somewhere from tripled to quadrupled our 'green-shirted brigade' for the final approach to the capitol where we will then be a part of the "Partners in Care" consortium celebration that is the annual gathering of about a dozen local non-profits who at this event for almost 10 years(?) now are the most recognized local presence of the annual national "Homelessness Awareness Month."
...and we were off to the state capitol!
...to witness, for the 2nd time during this year's walk, incredible entertainment.
This guy played 40-year-old rock and roll that I could almost sing along with...
...'n this guy said that Israel Kamakawiwo'ole was his cousin...'n then played and sang Iz's duology "Somewhere, Over the Rainbow/It's a Wonderful World" classic.
There was a third act of 3 gals who did a strong Na Leo Pilimehana presentation that I failed to have the forsight to snap a pix of them I was so transfixed by their singing/playing.......but these guy's and the female trio gave mind-numbing entertainment.
130.71 total miles once again culminate the walk this year after today's portion is factored in...'n there's still a hundred more pix to choose from...'n story to write before this day's post is complete.
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